Specialising in Technological and Applied Studies, with a focus on Food Technology, Hospitality and Textiles, all resources have been tried and tested in my classroom over the past 10 years. I have also tutored numerous students in a wide range of subjects and have developed a range of resources to assist in their learning. Any resource that I have created that has helped me help my students will be added to my shop so that I can help you, help your students.
Specialising in Technological and Applied Studies, with a focus on Food Technology, Hospitality and Textiles, all resources have been tried and tested in my classroom over the past 10 years. I have also tutored numerous students in a wide range of subjects and have developed a range of resources to assist in their learning. Any resource that I have created that has helped me help my students will be added to my shop so that I can help you, help your students.
Nowadays most people use online reviews from websites such as TripAdvisor or Yelp to help them decide whether they should visit a particular restaurant or decide which meal they should try (or avoid!). With this 12 page Restaurant and Food Review task, students learn to write informative pieces based on their real world experiences of local restaurants, cafes or take-away shops (or even mum’s cooking if need be!). They will identify the differences between poorly written and quality written reviews, learn the importance of following a specific structure, brainstorm and draft their responses before providing their final review ready to share with the world. This task is easily adapted to any food situation and could even be used as a great intro to a cultural food feast where students write their reviews of the meals on offer to encourage and recommend their favourite to their peers!
This THIS VS THAT quiz game is a great nutrition revision resource for senior Food/PE students or it can be a fun filler lesson for a junior class. Students are given the choice of two options along with a question such as which has more caffeine per 100ml? the Red Bull energy drink or the can of Coca-Cola. Students need to note down their answer on the worksheet along with their reasoning. Vote as a class and go with majority rules to click on the answer. Was the majority correct? Did they make a lucky guess or do they need to brush up on their nutrition understanding? Is their favourite food as healthy for them as they think it is? There are 20 questions comparing items from total fat content to energy, caffeine, carbohydrates, iron, protein and sugar. At the end of the quiz on the back of the worksheet, there are some extension questions for students to work through. The zip file contains the worksheet and the slide presentation in PPT and PDF format. All options in both the PPT and PDF are hyperlinked directly to the answers which makes it easy for the class to see how right or wrong they were!
Knowing how to eat healthy is a vital aspect to having a healthy mind and body. Our bodies can’t make nutrients so knowing the foods that are high in essential nutrients helps us make informed choices about the foods we eat. This research task asks students to select one of the 6 important nutrients, outline its importance for the body, identify the minimum and maximum daily requirements, explain what happens if we are deficient in it as well as locating a short recipe that provides the body with a good amount of the nutrient. Task includes marking criteria.
An important aspect of working in a kitchen is the ability to plan and organise tasks in a time efficient manner. Poor workflow can impact not only the running and morale of the kitchen but also customers who become dissatisfied with long wait times and low quality meals. This often leads to loss of profits and potentially closure of the kitchen/business. This worksheet explains the importance of a smooth running workflow, common mise en place tasks and the four important areas to consider when writing a workflow plan. There are two templates students have access to - one which has them allocate tasks to group members for team meals and one for tasks that require them to work individually on a recipe/meal. To really get students understanding the importance of incorporating a logical order of steps and complete a couple recipes at the same time, students are provided with two recipes - Japanese Dumplings and Arancini. Each step has been separated for a cut and paste style activity. Once students have laid out the order they think the steps should go in, run through it as a class before writing it fully into the workflow plan template, making note of required equipment. If there is the time and budget, cook the recipes over a practical lesson or two while students follow their workflow to determine whether they really placed each step in the correct order!
Herbs and spices are used to add colour, variety and unique flavours to food. Herbs and spices also come from different components of plants. This task utilises student fine motor skills of cutting and pasting with digital research to track down which part of the plant each herb and spice comes from. There is a classification table that should be printed A3 size for each student and 4 (printed on A4) pages (a total of 28 herbs and spices) flash cards for students to cut out. Answers are included. This activity is a great one for giving to Life Skills or Support students while the remainder of the class is working through the more in depth Herbs & Spices Research Task
Herbs and spices are used in the culinary world to add colour, variety and unique flavours to food. Students need to know that all herbs and spices originate from plants. This research task gets students thinking about what part of the plant each herb or spice comes from. They discover the journey of vanilla from paddock to plate and will create a ‘how-to’ brochure for growing, harvesting and preparing their chosen herb or spice for use in the kitchen.
It’s important to stay abreast of things happening in the Hospitality industry in order to meet Vocational criteria such as Source & Use Information on the Hospitality Industry. It also helps students to show their understanding of the industry to potential employers and in exams. This comprehension task is on the current trend of video resumes (AKA the Visume!). Students are given an article to read through and in conjunction with their knowledge of how the industry works, respond to the questions in as much detail as they can. Then they get the opportunity to put knowledge into practice by developing their own visume!
The culinary industry wouldn’t be what it is today without the ideas and inspirations of the vast array of chefs who have created edible masterpieces and experiences. This research task will help students discover the lives and inspirations behind these influencers and show their understanding in an oral and written presentation style format. Great as a filler lesson towards the end of the term, an introduction for a term of multicultural foods or set the research component for when the regular teacher is absent and the oral component for later. This task provides lots of examples of chefs students can choose to research, a range of questions they need to answer within their research, a score/marking form as well as an example written project that can be displayed to assist with student understanding. This is one of my go to lessons to keep students engaged!
Get students practising and recognizing the names and types of equipment used in kitchen and cooking rooms. There are 24 pairs of game cards that require students to match the name of the equipment to its image. Students can play MEMORY or SNAP as a lesson plenary, or during a lesson as a MATCH-UP task to glue into workbooks.
Organise your cool room or fridge/freezer with these great tray or trolley tags. It covers everything you or your Food Prep Assistant needs to know to have the ingredient trays or trolleys set up and ready to go for each recipe for each class. These tags cover: day of the week, lesson period required, whether your are DEMonstrating the recipe or your students are completing their PRACtical, teacher name, class name and even space for the recipe name or specific notes/additions required. Particularly useful if you or your Food Prep Assistant has a lot of classes/recipes/ingredients to sort and set up over the week. The tags can also be used if you have your students bringing in their own ingredients - just get them to set their ingredients up on their own tray or trolley and add their name, class, lesson, day and recipe. It makes it super easy to see when and who the ingredients are being used for!
Have a few students forget to bring their kitchen safety shoes or uniform for cooking lessons? Or have some rowdy students who need some extra revision before being allowed to participate in any more of the cooking practicals? This No Prac Kitchen Workbook provides students with a variety of written theory activities ranging from kitchen equipment and safety to healthy eating and reading recipes. There’s a teacher sign off and progress record for students to fill in at the end of each lesson to easily see how solidly they worked during lesson. This booklet could also be used as a homework or revision booklet to help students consolidate their knowledge and understanding of correct kitchen procedures.
Revise fundamental math calculations through this Culinary Math booklet. There are 10 pages of questions and tasks which cover measurement, scaling, equipment, ingredient calculations, yields, conversion factors and recipe interpretation and comprehension. Plus Teacher answers so this booklet can be used as a standalone revision or homework task, teacher absentee lesson or as a kitchen numeracy/literacy lesson.
These cute Gumnuts Babies colouring pages are perfect for a chilled end of the week lesson or for keeping students hands busy while watching a video. While used mainly for Family & Consumer Science or Child Studies lessons, these colouring pages could be used for a variety of purposes including mindfulness activities.
A blank BINGO card perfect for vocabulary revision! Use it to introduce a topic or as a plenary to finish a lesson. It can be used for a range of subjects but this Bingo board is perfectly suited to Food Technology, Textiles Technology and Family and Consumer Science classes. Included is a list of food, textiles and safety related words for a quick subject related game.
Practice the seven essential precision cuts used in the culinary world. This worksheet is a must-have for every aspiring chef and food tech student.
Precision cuts to practice and assemble on the worksheet include:
Pair it with the Vegetable Precision Cuts Poster which includes the written descriptions detailing the appearance and dimensions each cut should have. What better way to help practice the required cut proportions!
This Stitch in Time quiz is a great introduction to textiles terminology. Challenge your students previous knowledge of sewing and textiles at the start of the term and see how much they have learnt by the end of the term by repeating the quiz. Can be used as an individual or group activity. There are 20 questions that include dyeing methods, stitch types, fabric names, sewing machine anatomy, tools etc. Answers are included, as is a student answer page.
Fast food and processed foods can be high in kilojoules (energy) and are creeping more and more into our daily diets. Challenge your students ideas about how long it really takes to burn off all that extra energy they consume. Perfect for a nutrition/sport intro or plenary, and as an individual or group challenge, this ‘How long does it take to burn off your favourite foods?’ QUIZ has a range of questions that asks them to guess how many minutes, hours, burpees, star jumps, running, boxing etc. is needed to burn off the energy of these 10 popular foods.
Showcasing seven essential precision cuts used in the culinary world, this poster is a must-have for every aspiring chef and food tech student.
This eye-catching colour poster can be printed A3 or A4, and features 7 visually engaging examples of precision cuts:
It includes a handy written description which details the appearance and dimensions each cut should have. Making it an invaluable visual aid that students can easily refer to while studying or engaging in hands-on practical kitchen experiences.
Use this WHS Food Safety Snap! resource to help your students learn about or revise hazards in the kitchen. Specially designed for students in Food Technology, Hospitality and Family & Consumer Science, it applies the fast-paced, attention-grabbing mechanics of the traditional ‘SNAP’ card game but with a focus on safety within the cooking environment.
Pack includes:
*** 24 Safety Snap Cards:** Simple print these cards twice to create a full deck of 48 cards, each is adorned with safety-related images and facts.
*** 1xstudent worksheet: **pair the game with this worksheet, encouraging students to provide reasoning behind the features of kitchen safety
How to Play:
1.Group Up - The game is best played in groups of 4. Distribute the deck evenly among players
2.Card Flip - Players start with their decks face down and place cards into a central pile, without peeking at them first.
3.Snap to Win - When a card placed matches the one directly beneath it, the fastest to yell ‘SNAP!’ wins that round and takes the pile.
4.Game Over - Play until no cards are left. The winner is the one with the most cards.
This textiles resource helps students understand how math concepts are related to real life. Students need to read through the information on circular skirts, sketch the pattern pieces and calculate the radius for task 1 & 2. Task 3 requires students to calculate bolts of fabric and Task 4 brings in their textiles designing skills. This worksheet is perfect for numeracy lessons, end of term lessons, as filler activities, no device/laptop lessons or for a casual/relief teacher lesson. Answer key is included.